"Monster trucks Daddy" "yes, we're nearly there" "Monster trucks Daddy" "yes, we're nearly there" and so it went for the one hour drive to watch the humongous trucks beat the 'Jeannie Mack' out of the 'ickle cars. On the way into the Rod Laver arena, after the customary half hour walk from the car park, Euey was feeling the excitement build upon his perch above me. I could feel his excitement reverberate through my shoulders, in more ways than one but I will settle on describing two of the more palatable examples. As we passed under a suspended rail track he screamed "train" when the masses of people heading to the 'ickle car massacre didn't respond to his announcement he tried again with "traiiiins guyyys" this got a few looks and smiles so he kept this up till my second tale in the making caught his sadistic eye. The portly guy in front of us had attracted a crowd of his own, a rather large cloud of flies. The guy wasn't too impressed with the attention he was receiving from these pesky's and was swiping violently and unsuccessfully at the swarm. Euey erupted with uncontrollable laughter, as if the whole scene had been set up for his amusement alone. He couldn't control himself, he could hardly breathe. The fly bait wasn't amused at Euey's attention but bit his tongue, I'm assuming because Euey was seven feet tall. Anyway we arrived after our onerous journey and wow was it worth the wait it was the best 15minutes of action in my whole life. After 15 minutes of giant trucks roaring and beating the bejesus out of stationary cars Euey had not moved a muscle, he had sat on my lap with eyes wide open, mouth slightly ajar, with a look of abject fear etched fear on his face. I asked him is it fun? No reply. Are you happy? Not even a twitch. Are you scared? Nothing. Do you want to go home? A whispered "Mummy" Do you want Mummy? A whispered "Go home". I took him outside, shared some chocolate and fizzy drink and asked him would he like to go back in and try again and he whimpered "home, Mummy" and off we went. Twenty five minutes into the trek to the car he cheerily asked "go back Daddy" I considered it for two seconds as I wiped the sweat from my eyes and massaged my aching shoulder and legs and promptly decided it would be in his best interests if I took him home to the loving arms of his Mummy and not back to the Monster trek. " Lets go home Euey I'll get you more chocolate" "chocolate Daddy".