Saturday, December 19, 2009

The magic is back

My Christmas feeling has returned. The joy I felt as a child was profound. My early memories are almost transcendental and certainly musical. I remember looking out my bedroom window on a crispy cold night, stars, on que, shining bright. I must have been humming silent night at the time 'cause it permeates my memory. I recall my Uncle Ger coming into the room and asking me "did ya hear the sleigh on the roof" My heart stopped, but all is well it started again. It was a magical moment or I at least remember it as such, so I guess that's real enough.
I haven't felt like I've been in this mystical zone for a while. It's not that I've fallen out of love with my Christmas it's just I haven't been spellbound for a spell, until now.
Euey and Aoife have really gotten into it this year, their excitement truly is palpable. They love the songs even when I sing them. They have even stopped pouting and are being good for goodness sake. Euey has mastered the countdown, only 6 days to go and Aoife has had a momentous crack at the vocals of numerous carols, including "Santa wears a red suit he's a communist". Shocking really, I blame the parents. They assisted, in varying degrees, in the letters to Santa too.
I love the way they love it and have no qualms in admitting my vicarious pleasure in this season of goodwill.
I truly can't wait for christmas this year, so much so, I can hear my heart going pitter patter pitter patter boom. Or is that just the sound, of expectant, little tiny feet!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Look at me Daddy

At 2 years 11 months Aoife has got to the catwalk stage. When I dress her in the mornings SHE will choose the clothes, parade the clothes, look for my reaction, keep or discard the clothes regardless of my reaction and begin the process again. She loves it and I must admit she looks great when she twirls around in purple shoes, black tights, flowery skirt and orange Thomas the Tank Engine t-shirt. However, it can be a little challenging when George and the boys are in the car in 40 degree heat depending on my diplomatic skills to get our little girl out the door quickly. Delicate task to rush the process while making her feel un-rushed and convinced she is the most beautifully dressed girl in the whole world. Don't know if I pulled it off but she was smiling when we joined the others in the mobile sauna. Won't go into whether the smile was reciprocated by the occupants of the car.

Monday, December 14, 2009

So what I'm a rock star

Well that's how it feels when I get in from a long days work. One of the many beautiful rewards of fatherhood. Today when I walked through the door Finn's 9 month old legs almost propelled him 3 meters across the room out of our friend Tina's arms. If it wasn't for her finely honed cat like reactions (mother of 5 year old twins)he would have experienced his first face plant. Aoife came running from my right and Koala locked my leg squealing Daddy Daddy. Euan came from my left and said in a low growling tone Daddddy and sucker punched me in the gut before giving me a bone crushing hug. Loved it. Waited for a similar show of exuberance from George but alas her coy smile was a touch more subtle and much appreciated after the initial assaults and attempted assaults upon my person. Warhol was right we all have our 15 minutes.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Here there, and everywhere

We are moving house again and yesterday Tina kindly offered to bundle Euey and Aoife with Wil and Olive for the night to expedite our move. We said let it be. Well it's been a hard days night but we've had lots of help. I miss them. Even though I am still living the bedtime routine vicariously through Tina via the medium of texts.
A little bit of twist and shout a lot of "I'm thirsty" "Euey needs a poo" "We all need a poo" "We'll wait and play in the kitchen while Euey poos". Next Aoife is on the throne Tina tells us that Aoife is up to plop number five. Its a tough job but all you need is love to get through. Next time we'll probably make it a day tripper cause Euey just told Tim "I'd like to see my Mum and Dad now". I miss you too Euey and I want to hold your hand too. Well goodnight kids. It's taken me 30Min's to write this as Tina has been updating me. Not fast enough to be a paperback writer I'd wager. Well Tina reckons Aoife has gotten older and more defiant since the last visit, hope it doesn't end in revolution. I've got a feeling Tina will be feeling dizzy miss lizzy by the time she goes to bed, till then do you want to know a secret? I'm not guilty of losing my mind. I've just been having a little fun with a little help from my friends. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da in the Octopus's garden thats where you'll find said friends.

Night kids

P.S. I love you

Friday, October 9, 2009

Summer is back

Time to pick up where we left off last year. For the last 6 weeks of the summer we went to this beach. It's set away from the tourist beaches and we can even take the dog. (or Bubble to those in the know) The kids love it and never want to leave.
We tried a few times in the winter but it didn't retain its magic for the little ones while they were wearing duffle coats.

It's a tough job...

....but someone has to do it. :-)


I often find myself in flight taking a corner at breakneck speed. It's usually at this stage I wake up. Alas, it is not I to whom the nightmares visit, it just takes me ten strides to wake up as I rush to her aid. Aoife sometimes screams like the four horsemen have arrive to take her to the prom, but when I get to her side the drama's seem a fraction less frightening. "Aoife its Daddy, whats wrong, its just a dream" etc..... Aoifes responses include 'It's my apple, give me my apple" yeah scared the bejesus out of me too. "Daddy said I have to come home from the park" and "don't want to shower". It's a relief that these are the extent of my daughters nightmares, at the moment. However, they will intensify, I'm sure, once she brings home her first boyfriend. Mmmmmmm.


Hi Kids when I first started this blog I had intended to write a lot more than I have done. But finding, quality, time to write about our insane, high octane fun filled existence is hard to do and for better or worse I have given much more time to being with you than writing about you. However, from time to time I wish I had written more. I wish this because I know memory fades things into one big happy picture and while this is truly wonderful I sometimes wish I had documented the minute specifics that make living this dream, and creating the big yummy memory, so great. Today I will cram some of these moments in from the salvaged conversations I have littered around the house on scraps of paper. I have some time to write as I am currently recuperating from my trip to the 'penis correctional facility' where they graced me with a vasectomy yesterday. So I will be sitting down nursing my wounds for a moment or three.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fight to the finish

Euey is just about over a really bad dose of flu, bed ridden for days with a fever, delirium included. So I have a mattress on the floor beside his bed as he needed monitoring for rapid breath and high temperature. Won't need to do that tonight. However, I have left the mattress on the floor at Euan's request. Initially he just wanted to sleep on it. Then Aoife wanted to too. Then Euey wanted to sleep on Aoife's bed, but Aoife went all territorial with a resounding no. Then she tried to get into Euey's normal bed which sent him into indignation overdrive. I stepped in Dali Lama style and said "Guys, I'm not getting involved in this, you have to work it out yourselves and both of you need to be happy with what you decide. Call me when you have done that and we will have cuddles and a story"
Yeah, leap of faith, but I had an inkling they had it in them. I went into the living room to get the laptop up and going. For the next 5 minutes I could hear lots of muffled sounds, some high pitched falsetto, thick and creamy baritone, gentle and light soprano and fade in to harmony. Quiet. Giggle. Deafening Dadddddy. I walked back in more than a little curious. They were both in Aoife's bed. I smiled and asked. Well? Euey said "we made a plan and we're happy" just to emphasise the bliss Aoife piped up with " here Euey you can have my Puppy" They lay down with satisfied looks on their faces. I gave them a little bit of praise, followed by a cuddle each and sat down and read them a bedtime story as promised. You know some nights it all just makes sense. I'm happy too.
(p.s. They decided to sleep on Aoife's bed so I could lie next to them on the spare mattress)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Finn is at that stage where laughing and smiling at everything is as commonplace in a baby as filling a newly applied nappy. George and I were competing for smiles tonight when one of us asked were the other two this happy? We were both surprised to remember that they were, at specific moments at least, but Finn doesn't seem to ever leave the smiley zone. Even when he wakes up in the morning after 12 hours straight sleep. Not kidding and I do appreciate how amazing that is. Even his wake up call is laid back he oohs and aahs and if he gets really shitty he ba ba's. Don't think this is the calm before the storm either. I think Finn will be the calm within the Aussie Morrissey storm for some time to come. Love it.

Like Frankie?

Was lying in bed with Euey tonight when somehow the conversation turned to why he looked like Mummy and Daddy. "Well because we made you." The head scratching question came.
"like Frankie?". I was a bit confused with that "Aaaah, what do you mean?"
"Like Frankie the monster?"
"Ahh, Frankenstein"
No Mummy and daddy made a different way. You came from your mummys tummy like Finn did."
"Not from an egg!"
"Why did we get in there?"
"We made you. We became Twitterpatters and then magic happened in your Mums tummy, you started off as an egg in Mummys tummy and then Daddys Twitterpatter with Mummy helped you to grow. Thats why you look like Mummy and Daddy"
"Oh, and Aoife and Finn too?"
silence and thinking face.....a bit more silence
"We did come from eggs!!!"

Do you like me Daddy 'cause I like you

A two year olds needs are quite simple.
"Cuddle me Daddy" "Yes yes yes yes"
"Do you like me Daddy cause I like you" " Of course I like you and love you you are my beautiful girl"
"I missed you Daddy" "I missed you too Aoife"
"Can I come Daddy" "yes and sadly sometimes no"
"Do you want some Daddy?" "What is it???"
"Are you proud Daddy" "so proud my head is about to explode, I'm worried my ears will stick to the wall"
"What are you doing Daddy" "I'm changing the batteries in the torch, remember you just asked me to"
A Daddys needs are more complex. I want to live up to her simple needs.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Man crush

I don't know the guy's name. Don't know what he looks like. Don't know if he is funny or if I could even hold a conversation of interest with him. But I do know this. He had the mickey taken out of him by his footy team mates recently. He was wandering around the training ground picking up feathers and sticking them in his socks. They were fluffy owl feathers and very cute. He was collecting them for a little boy he had also never met. When Euey received these feathers from the mans wife who does happen to know my son he was beside himself with joy. He was so proud as he puffed his chest and presented them to me as I walked in from work that night. I only found out tonight the magnificent journey these feathers have had to endure to light up my son's eyes and I still don't know Denise's husbands name. But do know this, I have a man crush. Thanks.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's Sunday Morning I was sitting on the sofa talking to Euan when I heard a stiring in the kids bedroom, Aoife was on the rise. I went in to meet her but as soon as I came into view she dived two metres under the covers. After the customery 5 minutes of tickles she still wasn't venturing out. So I asked "are you coming out" to which she replied "I want a donut Dad". This was arbutary to say the least. We haven't had donuts since christmas and when we did Aoife was not a great fan in fact she wouldn't touch one. This is a snapshot of Aoife, left field is the norm and the norm is left field. Proud as punch though. Me that is.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Euan, Aoife & Finian

And then there were three. I remember not so long ago walking down an ancient looking street in Hayang, Korea, holding Georgias hand. Ironically we were to on our way to a new age, state of the art, obsteatrician's medical suite. I was feeling a little bit excited about how our future was shaping up. We were on our way, for an ultrasound, to see our child, or a bean sided version of our child at least. From the moment I saw that first movement the love, hopes and fear hit me like a ton of bricks. I really thought I had a handle on what to expect, after all I had five siblings all younger than me. I was wrong. I hadn't brought them into the world. The fears - of that fragile life not making it, of losing that 10 mm of life, of how everything had changed and of how I had been blindsided by once again thinking I knew it all. The hopes - of conversations not had, knowing looks yet to be exchanged, the anticipation of fatherly advice to given and possibly not taken. The Love - so fierce and new, I really didn't know. But do now.
Let the journey continue.