Euey is just about over a really bad dose of flu, bed ridden for days with a fever, delirium included. So I have a mattress on the floor beside his bed as he needed monitoring for rapid breath and high temperature. Won't need to do that tonight. However, I have left the mattress on the floor at Euan's request. Initially he just wanted to sleep on it. Then Aoife wanted to too. Then Euey wanted to sleep on Aoife's bed, but Aoife went all territorial with a resounding no. Then she tried to get into Euey's normal bed which sent him into indignation overdrive. I stepped in Dali Lama style and said "Guys, I'm not getting involved in this, you have to work it out yourselves and both of you need to be happy with what you decide. Call me when you have done that and we will have cuddles and a story"
Yeah, leap of faith, but I had an inkling they had it in them. I went into the living room to get the laptop up and going. For the next 5 minutes I could hear lots of muffled sounds, some high pitched falsetto, thick and creamy baritone, gentle and light soprano and fade in to harmony. Quiet. Giggle. Deafening Dadddddy. I walked back in more than a little curious. They were both in Aoife's bed. I smiled and asked. Well? Euey said "we made a plan and we're happy" just to emphasise the bliss Aoife piped up with " here Euey you can have my Puppy" They lay down with satisfied looks on their faces. I gave them a little bit of praise, followed by a cuddle each and sat down and read them a bedtime story as promised. You know some nights it all just makes sense. I'm happy too.
(p.s. They decided to sleep on Aoife's bed so I could lie next to them on the spare mattress)
The magician at work again.
awww... so, what did they decide? to both sleep in aoife's bed??
you've got some pretty incredible babes there
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