Saturday, November 21, 2009

Here there, and everywhere

We are moving house again and yesterday Tina kindly offered to bundle Euey and Aoife with Wil and Olive for the night to expedite our move. We said let it be. Well it's been a hard days night but we've had lots of help. I miss them. Even though I am still living the bedtime routine vicariously through Tina via the medium of texts.
A little bit of twist and shout a lot of "I'm thirsty" "Euey needs a poo" "We all need a poo" "We'll wait and play in the kitchen while Euey poos". Next Aoife is on the throne Tina tells us that Aoife is up to plop number five. Its a tough job but all you need is love to get through. Next time we'll probably make it a day tripper cause Euey just told Tim "I'd like to see my Mum and Dad now". I miss you too Euey and I want to hold your hand too. Well goodnight kids. It's taken me 30Min's to write this as Tina has been updating me. Not fast enough to be a paperback writer I'd wager. Well Tina reckons Aoife has gotten older and more defiant since the last visit, hope it doesn't end in revolution. I've got a feeling Tina will be feeling dizzy miss lizzy by the time she goes to bed, till then do you want to know a secret? I'm not guilty of losing my mind. I've just been having a little fun with a little help from my friends. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da in the Octopus's garden thats where you'll find said friends.

Night kids

P.S. I love you