My Christmas feeling has returned. The joy I felt as a child was profound. My early memories are almost transcendental and certainly musical. I remember looking out my bedroom window on a crispy cold night, stars, on que, shining bright. I must have been humming silent night at the time 'cause it permeates my memory. I recall my Uncle Ger coming into the room and asking me "did ya hear the sleigh on the roof" My heart stopped, but all is well it started again. It was a magical moment or I at least remember it as such, so I guess that's real enough.
I haven't felt like I've been in this mystical zone for a while. It's not that I've fallen out of love with my Christmas it's just I haven't been spellbound for a spell, until now.
Euey and Aoife have really gotten into it this year, their excitement truly is palpable. They love the songs even when I sing them. They have even stopped pouting and are being good for goodness sake. Euey has mastered the countdown, only 6 days to go and Aoife has had a momentous crack at the vocals of numerous carols, including "Santa wears a red suit he's a communist". Shocking really, I blame the parents. They assisted, in varying degrees, in the letters to Santa too.
I love the way they love it and have no qualms in admitting my vicarious pleasure in this season of goodwill.
I truly can't wait for christmas this year, so much so, I can hear my heart going pitter patter pitter patter boom. Or is that just the sound, of expectant, little tiny feet!
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