Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Finn is at that stage where laughing and smiling at everything is as commonplace in a baby as filling a newly applied nappy. George and I were competing for smiles tonight when one of us asked were the other two this happy? We were both surprised to remember that they were, at specific moments at least, but Finn doesn't seem to ever leave the smiley zone. Even when he wakes up in the morning after 12 hours straight sleep. Not kidding and I do appreciate how amazing that is. Even his wake up call is laid back he oohs and aahs and if he gets really shitty he ba ba's. Don't think this is the calm before the storm either. I think Finn will be the calm within the Aussie Morrissey storm for some time to come. Love it.

Like Frankie?

Was lying in bed with Euey tonight when somehow the conversation turned to why he looked like Mummy and Daddy. "Well because we made you." The head scratching question came.
"like Frankie?". I was a bit confused with that "Aaaah, what do you mean?"
"Like Frankie the monster?"
"Ahh, Frankenstein"
No Mummy and daddy made you...........in a different way. You came from your mummys tummy like Finn did."
"Not from an egg!"
"Why did we get in there?"
"We made you. We became Twitterpatters and then magic happened in your Mums tummy, you started off as an egg in Mummys tummy and then Daddys Twitterpatter with Mummy helped you to grow. Thats why you look like Mummy and Daddy"
"Oh, and Aoife and Finn too?"
silence and thinking face.....a bit more silence
"We did come from eggs!!!"

Do you like me Daddy 'cause I like you

A two year olds needs are quite simple.
"Cuddle me Daddy" "Yes yes yes yes"
"Do you like me Daddy cause I like you" " Of course I like you and love you you are my beautiful girl"
"I missed you Daddy" "I missed you too Aoife"
"Can I come Daddy" "yes and sadly sometimes no"
"Do you want some Daddy?" "What is it???"
"Are you proud Daddy" "so proud my head is about to explode, I'm worried my ears will stick to the wall"
"What are you doing Daddy" "I'm changing the batteries in the torch, remember you just asked me to"
A Daddys needs are more complex. I want to live up to her simple needs.