I often find myself in flight taking a corner at breakneck speed. It's usually at this stage I wake up. Alas, it is not I to whom the nightmares visit, it just takes me ten strides to wake up as I rush to her aid. Aoife sometimes screams like the four horsemen have arrive to take her to the prom, but when I get to her side the drama's seem a fraction less frightening. "Aoife its Daddy, whats wrong, its just a dream" etc..... Aoifes responses include 'It's my apple, give me my apple" yeah scared the bejesus out of me too. "Daddy said I have to come home from the park" and "don't want to shower". It's a relief that these are the extent of my daughters nightmares, at the moment. However, they will intensify, I'm sure, once she brings home her first boyfriend. Mmmmmmm.