Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sibling rivalry

Night after night I have to split these warring factions up. Ohh the life of a Daddy.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Little Adults

Adage or cliche some may muse but it is also fact that they do 'grow up so quick'.
Euey is 5 and asked me today why the water didn't fall down out of the sky straight away if its heavier than air.
Aoife is 3 and a significant half but plans my day out while doing a 30 piece jigsaw puzzle and running numerous other projects all at once. Not to mention the running commentary of the aforementioned tasks.
Finn is 16 months and brought George the cat biscuits this morning and grunted and pointed at the cat bowl to remind her to feed the poor cat.
Wish I could answer all Euan's questions, follow all of Aoife's instructions and pre-empt Finn's concerns. But alas at times I feel like a little boy.