Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sticks and Stones...

....but words will never hurt me. Well maybe they will one day, unless I manage to teach Euey and his loyal sidekick Aoife (who repeats an edited version of Euey's every utterance)the fine art of subtlety. The following mere snippet may well give you an idea of what I'm rambling on about. It may also give you the lovely feeling fingernails down a blackboard might provide.

Euey "Daddy, why is that man so fat?" Aoife "fat man" Daddy - flinch

Euey "Why is that silly woman walking on the road?" Aoife "silly woman" Daddy - cringe

Euey "Why is that man not friendly?" (guy just minding his own business just not smiling) Aoife "not friendly" Daddy - colourless

My favourite skin thickening episode this week has to be when we were standing next to a guy showering in the swimming pool. This dear chap had a big birth mark on his bottom. A really painful red looking one. Euey "Daddy why is that mans bottom bloody" Aoife "bloody bottom" Daddy - undergoing counseling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh no!! is it terrible that i laughed?? is it?