Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fathers Day

I had a bit of alone time with Euan today, this has been a bit of a novelty of late. George had taken Aoife to ballet class and Finn was down for his afternoon siesta after his morning fiesta.
I was at the benchtop chopping up veggies for dinner and Euan was to my left on a chair watching and asking questions about magnets and how they work. A bloody nightmare that one. Anyway I digress. He stopped suddenly and I could visibly see him stiffen. He slowly slipped from the chair, head forward, but surreptitiously aware of my every move. He then came about face and looked at me with an innocent little expression, his nose was level with the workbench and he was directly in front of me. He was giving me an intent stare but he still furnished the angelic smile. I noticed his hands moving up cautiously to a flat brown paperbag in the middle of the bench. He put his hand on the bag and slowley moved it towards himself. Now, my first impression was there was something yummy in there he shouldn't be eating at this stage of the day and especially while I was chopping veg for dinner. So I asked him "are you hungry mate?" "No I'm good Dad" The bag kept slipping away. "Did you make something yummy at Kinder today?" I asked nodding at the bag. "No, Dad" the bag was over the edge and out of sight now. "Whats in the bag Euan" I stopped chopping and smiled (I was still holding the knife mind).
His eyes went up "umm" his eyes went down "aaah" they shifted to the right "wellll" then all of a sudden the eyes cleared, the shoulders straightened and he informed me confidently and I think with a pinch of defiance "It's just something I made for Mommy today at Kinder". He smiled the 'conversation is over smile' turned around and took a step. While this was happening the penny had dropped inside my noggin. "~~~Father's Day aaah I see~~~~". I wasn't about to let him off the hook yet, I was curious to see how this would turn out if I turned the screw just a little bit more. He was doing so well after all. "Mate, that was very nice" a short silence for effect "give me a look would you, please" He turned around and our eyes met (he couldn't hear it, but I could hear spagetti western music) He started to walk towards me but he stopped. "No, I better put it away before it gets damaged its just a drawing" he spat it out and ran to the bedroom before I could prolong the torture. He did well. When he came back out he looked somewhat pleased with himself. He hopped back on the chair and gave me a calm smile. I kissed his head and said "She will love it Euey, we love it when our kids make things for us, we get really happy" he smiled again, this time it was the 'fooled you dude' grin.

There is a follow up to this story see George's blog

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sibling rivalry

Night after night I have to split these warring factions up. Ohh the life of a Daddy.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Little Adults

Adage or cliche some may muse but it is also fact that they do 'grow up so quick'.
Euey is 5 and asked me today why the water didn't fall down out of the sky straight away if its heavier than air.
Aoife is 3 and a significant half but plans my day out while doing a 30 piece jigsaw puzzle and running numerous other projects all at once. Not to mention the running commentary of the aforementioned tasks.
Finn is 16 months and brought George the cat biscuits this morning and grunted and pointed at the cat bowl to remind her to feed the poor cat.
Wish I could answer all Euan's questions, follow all of Aoife's instructions and pre-empt Finn's concerns. But alas at times I feel like a little boy.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Belly full of laughs

Dinner was hilarious tonight. The five of us were sitting around the table eating a very nutritious meal of sausage rolls with tomato sauce. Except Aoife, she had tomato sauce with sausage rolls, not a subtle difference if you had witnessed the banquet. The fun was initiated by the introduction of a bottle of very cold and very fizzy mineral water. Doesn't sound like a prop that would bring the house down but it did.
We passed it around the table wino style and Finn took the initiative. He seemed to be taking it in his stride, but it was a false start, a second later his face crunched up from chin to tip of nose and his eyes ballooned. It subsided as quickly as it started but it lasted long enough to have everyone at the table convulsing with laughter. Aoife went next and made sure she at least matched Finn's reaction. This time Finn led the chorus of laughter. Euey followed with his theatrics which again had everyone going but especially Finn. I had a crack and received an equally decent response, again championed by the tickled Finn. But the crescendo came from left field. While George has a finely tuned wit that keeps us all on our toes she is not famous for her slapstick. So when she pulled off a marvelous facial distortion, upon sipping the fizzy, Finn nearly stopped breathing he was laughing so much. His face, shoulders and body were convulsing as he leaned back and glanced around the table at everyone else's reactions. He had us in stitches and we just fed off each other till it hurt so good. Oh what a bellyful we survived tonight.